Programs created for simplifying educational process
Program for studying radio signal reception quality depending on the parameters of the receptor and the transmitter. A student chooses system parameters, a calculation formula (full or simplified), and observes the signal damping rate on charts.
Program for learning the skills necessary for working with an oscillograph and a generator. A student sets the signal parameters, indicates the cables used for switching and sees the result of the system’s work on the screen. The program interface resembles the appearance of the real devices to the maximum degree possible.
Program for conducting automatic testing. Questions and variants of answers are set with a text file. The answers of the tested student are written into a reporting file, which is analyzed by the teacher (automation of checking is possible). It is possible to display variants of answers randomly so as to make copying more difficult.
Program for teaching students the basics of character generation in electron-beam devices. In the first part the student learns the basics of generating a full character matrix setting the motion parameters of the generating beam. In the second part the student receives a task to generate a set of characters switching on or switching off the beam in particular segments. The number of ON/OFF attempts is limited, so it will be impossible to find the answer simply by sorting through.
Universal envelope for conducting quizzes. Questions and answers are set in a text file. A question may contain either textual and/or graphical information. Images for questions and complexity categories are set with separate files and can be easily changed if so desired by the organizer.
The program allows to study the basics of acoustics. In real time a signal is read off a microphone, and after processing, it is transmitted to loud speakers (ear phones), and simultaneously charts show input and output signals. The user sets the influence parameters, hears and sees the result of the system’s work.